Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I don't make much money...One thing is for sure, I'm going to save what I got.

For those of you that don't know.  I have my degree in the study of economics.  I absolute am facinated at how prices and how interest rates are set.  I know...very few people enjoy these things but it is because they don't understand it.  In my undergraduate studies, I fully enjoyed studying why and how prices were set:  i.e. pay wages, global trade policies, why and how the u.s. dollar was the world standard, etc.

Here's my warning to my readers/followers.  I am predicting a U.S. monetary short-fall the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013.  I am seeing some very poor indicators that is causing my early judgement.  Obama submitted a budget plan that absolute does not pay down any of the 12 trillion dollar debt that the U.S. already has.  To put it in perspective,  if a homeowner is only paying the interest payment on their mortgage each month, they are never actually paying the loan principle down.  i.e. the debt will always remain the same.  With that being said, the jobless rate has not improved over the past 3 months.  No new jobs have been created, thus the GDP and NDP has not and will not improve.  This debt will be pass on to future generations to deal with (in hopes that they too will have jobs).  Let me just put this out there, 60 percent of America is owned by both the Chinese and the Saudi Arabians.  The last depressive statement I would like to make is that as long as the Federal Reserve continues to print dollar bills, inflation will soon rise to unbelievable levels.  Many economist predict inflation to be around 12 percent by 2012.  Quite frankly....I too believe it.  Our dollar is loosing value by the day.  A 20 oz. coke cost approximately 1.50.  By 2012, that same coke will cost 3 dollars. 

I love the study of economics, but I hate the way our country is running it's monetary policy.  I'm not just talking about Obama and his clowns.  This began during Bush's tenure.  But it is continuing with Obama's administration.  I wish the free market system of economics would return.

I'm sorry for the depressing post this evening, but just though you should know how your being robbed everyday from your own government and the mismanagement of our money.

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