Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Implementation of the new educational "facebook"

Today, I implemented a new curriculum in my classroom.  I introduced "edmoto" to my students today.  In short, this is a new social website that is similar to facebook.  This site allows teachers and students  to use classrooom motives and ideas inorder to educate one another.  I can now introduce online quizes, tests, assignments, etc. to the students.  Yes, as 7th graders, they are very receptive to this new classroom tool.

I was amazed today at how receptive the students were.  I did believe that they would enjoy it.  Mainly because this platform is built around the facebook concept.  But after school today, I logged on around 6 pm, and to my surprise there were several students posting comments and finishing there assignments from earlier in the day.  Yes, on a Friday night, the students were interacting with there teacher and with one another.  How exciting this was for me to see.

On Monday, I will begin my instruction on Area of Triangle and Trapezoids.  Hopefully the new won't wear off on the "edmoto" social site.  I will most likely post there new assignment (homework) for the first time.  I will also place there first quiz online for them to complete by Thursday.  I hope they are receptive to this new 21 century instruction that I am implementing.  It is for their own good!


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