Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remaining faithful and striving for a passing score

As we continue in our lives, age tends to catch up to us sooner than later.  Yes...I know, I'm still relatively young.  But the point that I'm trying to make is that as one gets older, they, at times lose the drive to be successful.  (i.e. persevere)  I'm at a point in my life that if I want to continue to persue the career path I'm in, then I have to step it up a notch and complete my professional requirements.

I have become frustrated, more resently, with the failure of one of my professional requirements.  I am a 100%, success driven individual.  I demand results, not just from myself, but from the people around me.  But because of my recent failure, I have nearly collapsed in shame.  Something that should come so easily to me, has hindered me from the comfort and assurance of my profession.  The only optimism that I have comes from an analogy about me in my prior athletic career.  I, in my earlier years, was known for my ability to be successful in clutch situations.  Well, it is getting pretty close to that senario! 

Regardless of the outcome in the next few months, I just want it to be known that I want whatever is in my God's will.  With that said, I am going to remain faithful in his word and I will continue to strive for a passing score.  Because, regardless of the outcome, I know it will be in His will.


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