Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Coach, why do you only have one arm?"

This week has been such an adventursome week...To start the week:  On Monday, I had surgery on my right shoulder.  This is a surgery that I have needed for many years.  An old baseball/softball injury plagued me for the past 5 years.  Unfortunately, at the time it was needed, I was not on any insurance that could help me.  I had pretty much reconstructive surgery of the rotator cuff and laberum.  I was told that I should be back on the field in 5-6 months.  Yes, as a 29 year old, I still am as competative I was was when I was 18. 

So, I was out of school on Monday and Tuesday recooperating from my ailments.  Wednesday and Thursday, I was honored to have been selected to attend a 21st Century  meeting with other employees from the Talladega County Board of Education.  We are strongly pushing the need for our students to be familiar with and comfortable using/learning under 21 century instruction.  What does that mean?  It means that I and other teachers are using technology as an advantage in reaching students.  I now use a social networking site to have students take test, quizes, and turn in homework.  This site is very similar to the "facebook" platform that has been around for the last few years.  Student's absolutely love the interaction.  So for me to reach them effectively, I was the one that needed to adjust to their level.  This introduction to them has been an ABSOLUTE hit.  When I come home on a Friday night and/or Saturday night, and I see my student's logged on discussing classroom work online, then I consider that a "HOMERUN".  Especially since I could have found something else to do instead of school.  I will post more in the future regarding their progress.

Friday, I returned to the classroom.  Yes, it was a drag considering I was absent the previous 4 days.  But, I did miss my students while I was gone.  Yes, even the ones that cause trouble.  I do love them as much as I do the other students.  I just don't like the bad attitudes.

I look forward to a productive week ahead.  I've got a lot of catching up to do.  Not to mention, baseball season is in "FULL SWING".  I am a teacher on and off of the field!  I love the game of baseball, but my ultimate goal is to have World Series Champions in the classroom!


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