Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Weekend Report

Those of you who have watched or used to watch Saturday Night Live.  You remember the skit on "The Weekend Report".  That used to be one of my favorite skits on the show.  At any rate, I wanted to give you a report on my weekend.  Friday came to a close very quickly.  It seems like after the school day ended, the sun fell, and it became bitterly cold. 

Saturday was a very nice day outdoors.  Saturday was full of emotion and intensity.  The baseball squad played an inter squad game.  I made sure I drank a "RED BULL" that morning because I knew I was going to do some chewing.  Most of the guys on the team understand that I have a very high standard when taking the field.  Most may also think that they will never reach that standard.  They are probably right, my standard may not ever be met.  But neither was the standard of my coaches growing up was ever met.  But I can tell you what I did learning when I was a player......It was how to WIN!  Keeping a high standard encourages perfect play when on the diamond.  To win, you must be better than the other team.

I will say, that our young team still has much to learn.  But that is o.k.  As long as they are receptive to the teaching, I will consider them all winners.  That afternoon was pretty lonely, considering my wife and daughter were away from the home.  I did my usual math studying that afternoon, which lead for a boring afternoon.

Sunday morning...I got soul fed.  I love going to church!  At the same time though, I'm not a over religious Christian.  As a matter of fact, I fail everyday in the sense of me being the "christian" I should be.  I, over the last 1.5 years have become a "lukewarm" christian.  I am ashamed to even say that.  I am satisfied in saying: that my walk with Christ is becoming stronger and stronger each day.  I am extremely excited about that!  With that being stated:  I am 100% certain where I'm spending eternity.  Are you?

Even though the weekend was slow and less exciting than others, I'm thankful for the nice weather.  I am also thankful for the blessings from my saviour!


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