Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Short and sweet

Today's message, actually tonights message, is going to be short.  I've had a very exausted day.  Frustration from school work and my future outlook has plagued my optimism.  But none-the-less, I do not want to waste your time squandering about my problems.  We are all blessed to have had the opportunity to wake up each morning and we chose to make the day what it is.  I personally want to take this time to honor my savior for loving me and for allowing me to wake up this morning.  One of the most important things that I've learned over the past couple of years is we make choices in our lives.  This happens every day from the time we awake till the time our head hits the pillow.  But......what comes with those choices are consequences.  When good decisions are made, the results are good.  But when we make poor decisions, then we reap the consequence of that poor judgement.    I will say that I have made poor decisions in my lifetime, but I can honestly say that I have learned  from most of those mistakes.  That is what we as humans must realize so that we can be productive and live in a society together.  Time is short........that's why I now am going to bed.  God Speed!


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