Monday, February 7, 2011

Blessings in Education come from He who gives the blessing

As I walk through the valley in the shadow of death....One thing that I've had to lean on in the past 2 years is my dear faith in God.  I've been a christian for some time now, but my pure, self reliance on him, has been....lets just say vague.  In 2007, I decided to leave a well paying, "FUN", job to endure a milestone that should have been completed 6 years earlier.  My desire to have an economics degree, out-weighed all of the corporate accomplishments that a 27 year old had seen. 

At age 25, I was to my knowledge, the youngest manager Russell Corporation had ever employed.  At that age I also was responsible for the employment of nearly 45 other employees.  Most, of whom, where at least twice my age.  Learning how to deal with resentment, was part of my job description.  At least when you were the boss of people who were old enough to be your parent .  None-the-less, I was respected by most of them, as in return, I had the utmost respect for them.  Regardless of their education level!  They were good, hard working people that were content with their breath from the new day.  I'll discuss my success in the corporate world on another day.

The title of my post highlights the topics for today's sit-down.  After graduation in December of 2008, I prayed for, not only the hopes of a new job, but I prayed for my Lord to place people in my life that I could become a part of and of people that I could guide and encourage both spiritially and morally.  Thinking that my life would return to the corporate business world, I was sadly mistaken.  It was a complete 180 degree opposite.  After months of on the job experience and training, I realized that my prayer was answered.  It did not hit me till a few weeks ago.  I was placed in front of 120 of our youth EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Although I've always been a strong supporter of education, and the improvements in the quality of life that it strenghtens, This whole time I've had people in front of me that I effect -- both spiritually and morally.  As a matter of fact, I see them more each week than their own parents do. Teaching is something that you must have a gift for.  I thank God for changing my life and instilling our youth with what He has instilled in me.  That's why I say:  "Blessings in Education come from He who gives the blessing!"


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