Monday, February 14, 2011

Just another Hallmark Holiday

Look...I love my wife and tell her that often.  I don't necessarily need a national holiday for me to purchase a card just to tell her how much I love her.  But irregardless, I still purchased her a card for this day.  I'm so thankful for my wife and the things that she does for me.  She not only is a great wife, but a FANTASTIC mother.  I'm not just saying that either.  I can honestly say that, and I definitely am not saying that because she reads my blog.  Because she doesn't. 

Today was a compelling day at school.  I have successfully conned my students into making good grades.  At least I hope I have.  I will be providing them with a fun day sometime in May.  I'm going to bring in a PS3, and two wii consoles for them to enjoy in class.  The only stipulation I have is that they must have an average of 75 on all of their test and quizzes.  Some actually will look forward to that day, while others won't think anything about it.

Since today is a holiday specifically designed to encourage spending...i.e. to boost the economy, I still would like to encourage any and all readers to call and/or take time to speak with someone that they love.  I know that I am extremely bless to have people love me.  I have grown to love and have compassion for them as well!


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