Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Long time....no hear from

I apologize for such a long wait before my next post.  I have been bomb-barded with studying for a major test.  As you know, although I enjoy coaching, my first and foremost passion comes as a teacher.  That being said, in order for me to continue teaching, I had to become highly qualified.  In order to become highly qualified, I had to pass the Mathematics Content knowledge Praxis Exam. 

Although my business background from prior years included extensive mathematics concepts, I had the most difficult time passing this examination.  None-the-less, I have since passed it and am able to move on in my professional career as a teacher.  Thank you for the many prayers I have received and the support from my administration and board.  I work in the greatest county in the state when it comes to support, advice, and confidence boosting.  I love my job and I love the people I work around.  The Lord has blessed me each and every day.  To God be the glory!

You shall se more post coming in the future. 

Coach Taylor  (i.e. Mathematics Instructor: Seth Taylor)

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