Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Long time....no hear from

I apologize for such a long wait before my next post.  I have been bomb-barded with studying for a major test.  As you know, although I enjoy coaching, my first and foremost passion comes as a teacher.  That being said, in order for me to continue teaching, I had to become highly qualified.  In order to become highly qualified, I had to pass the Mathematics Content knowledge Praxis Exam. 

Although my business background from prior years included extensive mathematics concepts, I had the most difficult time passing this examination.  None-the-less, I have since passed it and am able to move on in my professional career as a teacher.  Thank you for the many prayers I have received and the support from my administration and board.  I work in the greatest county in the state when it comes to support, advice, and confidence boosting.  I love my job and I love the people I work around.  The Lord has blessed me each and every day.  To God be the glory!

You shall se more post coming in the future. 

Coach Taylor  (i.e. Mathematics Instructor: Seth Taylor)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I don't make much money...One thing is for sure, I'm going to save what I got.

For those of you that don't know.  I have my degree in the study of economics.  I absolute am facinated at how prices and how interest rates are set.  I know...very few people enjoy these things but it is because they don't understand it.  In my undergraduate studies, I fully enjoyed studying why and how prices were set:  i.e. pay wages, global trade policies, why and how the u.s. dollar was the world standard, etc.

Here's my warning to my readers/followers.  I am predicting a U.S. monetary short-fall the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013.  I am seeing some very poor indicators that is causing my early judgement.  Obama submitted a budget plan that absolute does not pay down any of the 12 trillion dollar debt that the U.S. already has.  To put it in perspective,  if a homeowner is only paying the interest payment on their mortgage each month, they are never actually paying the loan principle down.  i.e. the debt will always remain the same.  With that being said, the jobless rate has not improved over the past 3 months.  No new jobs have been created, thus the GDP and NDP has not and will not improve.  This debt will be pass on to future generations to deal with (in hopes that they too will have jobs).  Let me just put this out there, 60 percent of America is owned by both the Chinese and the Saudi Arabians.  The last depressive statement I would like to make is that as long as the Federal Reserve continues to print dollar bills, inflation will soon rise to unbelievable levels.  Many economist predict inflation to be around 12 percent by 2012.  Quite frankly....I too believe it.  Our dollar is loosing value by the day.  A 20 oz. coke cost approximately 1.50.  By 2012, that same coke will cost 3 dollars. 

I love the study of economics, but I hate the way our country is running it's monetary policy.  I'm not just talking about Obama and his clowns.  This began during Bush's tenure.  But it is continuing with Obama's administration.  I wish the free market system of economics would return.

I'm sorry for the depressing post this evening, but just though you should know how your being robbed everyday from your own government and the mismanagement of our money.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just another Hallmark Holiday

Look...I love my wife and tell her that often.  I don't necessarily need a national holiday for me to purchase a card just to tell her how much I love her.  But irregardless, I still purchased her a card for this day.  I'm so thankful for my wife and the things that she does for me.  She not only is a great wife, but a FANTASTIC mother.  I'm not just saying that either.  I can honestly say that, and I definitely am not saying that because she reads my blog.  Because she doesn't. 

Today was a compelling day at school.  I have successfully conned my students into making good grades.  At least I hope I have.  I will be providing them with a fun day sometime in May.  I'm going to bring in a PS3, and two wii consoles for them to enjoy in class.  The only stipulation I have is that they must have an average of 75 on all of their test and quizzes.  Some actually will look forward to that day, while others won't think anything about it.

Since today is a holiday specifically designed to encourage spending...i.e. to boost the economy, I still would like to encourage any and all readers to call and/or take time to speak with someone that they love.  I know that I am extremely bless to have people love me.  I have grown to love and have compassion for them as well!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Weekend Report

Those of you who have watched or used to watch Saturday Night Live.  You remember the skit on "The Weekend Report".  That used to be one of my favorite skits on the show.  At any rate, I wanted to give you a report on my weekend.  Friday came to a close very quickly.  It seems like after the school day ended, the sun fell, and it became bitterly cold. 

Saturday was a very nice day outdoors.  Saturday was full of emotion and intensity.  The baseball squad played an inter squad game.  I made sure I drank a "RED BULL" that morning because I knew I was going to do some chewing.  Most of the guys on the team understand that I have a very high standard when taking the field.  Most may also think that they will never reach that standard.  They are probably right, my standard may not ever be met.  But neither was the standard of my coaches growing up was ever met.  But I can tell you what I did learning when I was a player......It was how to WIN!  Keeping a high standard encourages perfect play when on the diamond.  To win, you must be better than the other team.

I will say, that our young team still has much to learn.  But that is o.k.  As long as they are receptive to the teaching, I will consider them all winners.  That afternoon was pretty lonely, considering my wife and daughter were away from the home.  I did my usual math studying that afternoon, which lead for a boring afternoon.

Sunday morning...I got soul fed.  I love going to church!  At the same time though, I'm not a over religious Christian.  As a matter of fact, I fail everyday in the sense of me being the "christian" I should be.  I, over the last 1.5 years have become a "lukewarm" christian.  I am ashamed to even say that.  I am satisfied in saying: that my walk with Christ is becoming stronger and stronger each day.  I am extremely excited about that!  With that being stated:  I am 100% certain where I'm spending eternity.  Are you?

Even though the weekend was slow and less exciting than others, I'm thankful for the nice weather.  I am also thankful for the blessings from my saviour!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remaining faithful and striving for a passing score

As we continue in our lives, age tends to catch up to us sooner than later.  Yes...I know, I'm still relatively young.  But the point that I'm trying to make is that as one gets older, they, at times lose the drive to be successful.  (i.e. persevere)  I'm at a point in my life that if I want to continue to persue the career path I'm in, then I have to step it up a notch and complete my professional requirements.

I have become frustrated, more resently, with the failure of one of my professional requirements.  I am a 100%, success driven individual.  I demand results, not just from myself, but from the people around me.  But because of my recent failure, I have nearly collapsed in shame.  Something that should come so easily to me, has hindered me from the comfort and assurance of my profession.  The only optimism that I have comes from an analogy about me in my prior athletic career.  I, in my earlier years, was known for my ability to be successful in clutch situations.  Well, it is getting pretty close to that senario! 

Regardless of the outcome in the next few months, I just want it to be known that I want whatever is in my God's will.  With that said, I am going to remain faithful in his word and I will continue to strive for a passing score.  Because, regardless of the outcome, I know it will be in His will.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Short and sweet

Today's message, actually tonights message, is going to be short.  I've had a very exausted day.  Frustration from school work and my future outlook has plagued my optimism.  But none-the-less, I do not want to waste your time squandering about my problems.  We are all blessed to have had the opportunity to wake up each morning and we chose to make the day what it is.  I personally want to take this time to honor my savior for loving me and for allowing me to wake up this morning.  One of the most important things that I've learned over the past couple of years is we make choices in our lives.  This happens every day from the time we awake till the time our head hits the pillow.  But......what comes with those choices are consequences.  When good decisions are made, the results are good.  But when we make poor decisions, then we reap the consequence of that poor judgement.    I will say that I have made poor decisions in my lifetime, but I can honestly say that I have learned  from most of those mistakes.  That is what we as humans must realize so that we can be productive and live in a society together.  Time is short........that's why I now am going to bed.  God Speed!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Fellas....this is a game of inches"

I've had the most difficult time while teaching and/or coaching the game of baseball when it comes to explaining the importance of the game.  The goal of the game is obviously to score more runs than the opposing team..  The way I teach it is, that our team has to be better than the other team at scoring.  Seems like a simple concept right?

But in my eyes, when you break the sport into small sections, it is the small things that matter the most.  Not the big hit or the home run or the strikeout pitch, etc.  It is the things that lead up to those big events.  In  another word(s), it is the small things in the game that matter most.  That is:  a pitch that led up to the strike out, the stolen base that got the runner in position for the big hit, the double play that prevented the hitting team from gaining momentum, the extra step on a base runners lead that allowed him to take the pursing base on an infield hit, the bunt with no one out that was strategically placed to move a runner to third (so the next hitter could hit a sacrifice fly to win the game), the catcher that made a great block to prevent a passed ball from the pitcher when he had the batter on a 1 and 2 count.  Those are the things that no one "EVER" talks about.  But those are the things that give baseball teams advantages when playing the game.

Now, the majority of the people reading this blog that understand my perspective will probably be students of the game of baseball.  But let me put this analogy in a more broader perspective. These are the things that one should do to place them into a better position to be successful in LIFE:  to be successful, one might:  get a higher education degree, one might place more money in savings each month, one might invest in their families livelihood, one will place money in a retirement account for future endeavors, one might discipline their children so they don't grow up to be hoodlum's.  These are just to touch on a few, but I view my life as if it is a game of baseball.  Some people might think that this is a ridiculous point of view, but this game gave me direction and has taught me discipline and self perseverance.  The same concept that I try to instill in the youth I am in touch with.

As I digress:  Just as life is a game of inches, so is the sport that I choose to teach.  As a mathematics instructor, my mind constantly uses statistics to make decisions.  A baseball circumference is roughly 9 inches, the home plate is 17 inches by 8.5 inches by 12 inches at the point (irregular pentagon).  The distance from each base is 90 foot (1,080 inches).  The distance from home plate to the pitchers mound is 60 foot 6 inches.  I have stated all of that to come to my conclusion.......  If we don't take every opportunity and every "inch" that the opposing team gives us, then we are not at the greater advantage to win; period.  I love to win, but more importantly, I love showing kids how to be winners.  Not just in the game of baseball, but in the game of life (which is a much harder game to play).  All I ask from anyone,  albeit, someone I'm coaching  or someone I'm teaching in the class room; and that is to be committed to "everything" that you do!.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Blessings in Education come from He who gives the blessing

As I walk through the valley in the shadow of death....One thing that I've had to lean on in the past 2 years is my dear faith in God.  I've been a christian for some time now, but my pure, self reliance on him, has been....lets just say vague.  In 2007, I decided to leave a well paying, "FUN", job to endure a milestone that should have been completed 6 years earlier.  My desire to have an economics degree, out-weighed all of the corporate accomplishments that a 27 year old had seen. 

At age 25, I was to my knowledge, the youngest manager Russell Corporation had ever employed.  At that age I also was responsible for the employment of nearly 45 other employees.  Most, of whom, where at least twice my age.  Learning how to deal with resentment, was part of my job description.  At least when you were the boss of people who were old enough to be your parent .  None-the-less, I was respected by most of them, as in return, I had the utmost respect for them.  Regardless of their education level!  They were good, hard working people that were content with their breath from the new day.  I'll discuss my success in the corporate world on another day.

The title of my post highlights the topics for today's sit-down.  After graduation in December of 2008, I prayed for, not only the hopes of a new job, but I prayed for my Lord to place people in my life that I could become a part of and of people that I could guide and encourage both spiritially and morally.  Thinking that my life would return to the corporate business world, I was sadly mistaken.  It was a complete 180 degree opposite.  After months of on the job experience and training, I realized that my prayer was answered.  It did not hit me till a few weeks ago.  I was placed in front of 120 of our youth EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Although I've always been a strong supporter of education, and the improvements in the quality of life that it strenghtens, This whole time I've had people in front of me that I effect -- both spiritually and morally.  As a matter of fact, I see them more each week than their own parents do. Teaching is something that you must have a gift for.  I thank God for changing my life and instilling our youth with what He has instilled in me.  That's why I say:  "Blessings in Education come from He who gives the blessing!"


Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Implementation of the new educational "facebook"

Today, I implemented a new curriculum in my classroom.  I introduced "edmoto" to my students today.  In short, this is a new social website that is similar to facebook.  This site allows teachers and students  to use classrooom motives and ideas inorder to educate one another.  I can now introduce online quizes, tests, assignments, etc. to the students.  Yes, as 7th graders, they are very receptive to this new classroom tool.

I was amazed today at how receptive the students were.  I did believe that they would enjoy it.  Mainly because this platform is built around the facebook concept.  But after school today, I logged on around 6 pm, and to my surprise there were several students posting comments and finishing there assignments from earlier in the day.  Yes, on a Friday night, the students were interacting with there teacher and with one another.  How exciting this was for me to see.

On Monday, I will begin my instruction on Area of Triangle and Trapezoids.  Hopefully the new won't wear off on the "edmoto" social site.  I will most likely post there new assignment (homework) for the first time.  I will also place there first quiz online for them to complete by Thursday.  I hope they are receptive to this new 21 century instruction that I am implementing.  It is for their own good!


"Coach, why do you only have one arm?"

This week has been such an adventursome week...To start the week:  On Monday, I had surgery on my right shoulder.  This is a surgery that I have needed for many years.  An old baseball/softball injury plagued me for the past 5 years.  Unfortunately, at the time it was needed, I was not on any insurance that could help me.  I had pretty much reconstructive surgery of the rotator cuff and laberum.  I was told that I should be back on the field in 5-6 months.  Yes, as a 29 year old, I still am as competative I was was when I was 18. 

So, I was out of school on Monday and Tuesday recooperating from my ailments.  Wednesday and Thursday, I was honored to have been selected to attend a 21st Century  meeting with other employees from the Talladega County Board of Education.  We are strongly pushing the need for our students to be familiar with and comfortable using/learning under 21 century instruction.  What does that mean?  It means that I and other teachers are using technology as an advantage in reaching students.  I now use a social networking site to have students take test, quizes, and turn in homework.  This site is very similar to the "facebook" platform that has been around for the last few years.  Student's absolutely love the interaction.  So for me to reach them effectively, I was the one that needed to adjust to their level.  This introduction to them has been an ABSOLUTE hit.  When I come home on a Friday night and/or Saturday night, and I see my student's logged on discussing classroom work online, then I consider that a "HOMERUN".  Especially since I could have found something else to do instead of school.  I will post more in the future regarding their progress.

Friday, I returned to the classroom.  Yes, it was a drag considering I was absent the previous 4 days.  But, I did miss my students while I was gone.  Yes, even the ones that cause trouble.  I do love them as much as I do the other students.  I just don't like the bad attitudes.

I look forward to a productive week ahead.  I've got a lot of catching up to do.  Not to mention, baseball season is in "FULL SWING".  I am a teacher on and off of the field!  I love the game of baseball, but my ultimate goal is to have World Series Champions in the classroom!
